Monday, August 14, 2006

My first henna~

I have been intrigued by henna for years. Why I have never gotten a henna tattoo I don't really know, although I suppose I just never had the opportunity.
A few months ago, a woman came into the yoga studio I go to. She had just gotten a beautiful henna tattoo on her hand. It was amazing and intriguing and I craved info on it. I was fascinated. I wanted one.
Then I painted that kind of henna design on the shell up in Maine, without really thinking about it or realizing it then or after for a while. Somehow I have been sucked in and obsessed with it in the last two weeks. I have hunted down tons of info and designs and websites with fabulous photos. I bought a book and have studied it cover to cover, immersing myself in it. I went to the indian market nearby the other day and bought some henna (mehndi) powder and a ready-made 'cone'. I have read that the cones only last for a day or two, but thought I'd try it anyway. I'll try making my own paste next.

I have been doodling designs for a few days, and tonight I used the henna in the cone to create a design on my foot. It came out okay, but I will have to wait a few more hours to see if the henna was actually viable. I will scrape the paste off and hope for the best. If nothing else, I got practice doing a henna design.
I am so intrigued by the whole thing though, and I am thinking that it may be something I can do to make some money. As a result of me being me about it (ie: when I am intrigued by something I become passionate in telling others about it, and turning them onto it too), I have a plethora of people who have volunteered to be practiced on for me to devlop my mehndi skills. I have 2 people who have already suggested that I come to parties they are having to do it there! and I haven't really started yet!
Funny when something seems just right. and it strikes me as I am on the right track, partly in light of my recent post about my creativity and where I am free with it. hmm... maybe I am onto something..... and I am enjoying it!

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