Monday, March 19, 2007

good spinning- short version

I am taking a comprehensive business class at University of Hartford's Entrepreneurial Center. I was going to try to start a holistic community center, but there seem too many obstacles at this time. I am going to start a henna business, and do a kick ass job of it, and have fun and make money doing something creative that I enjoy.

I think I am going to let go of my tea business. I am not quite sure how yet, as I want to keep a little bit of it, and need to figure that out. It is a business that I started by the seat of my pants, and didn't do a good job, but it was a great learning experience.

I have been driven with good and positive energy for a few weeks now, and it feels great, and I will keep it. I like the spinning that is happening now with me. I'll keep it, send my energy out into the universe to come back to me again with more good. even my kids have been affected by having such good stuff going on between them (not always, but way more than usual). I feel like I am exuding good energy. oh, and good perfume lately too.....

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